HPCC 2020 Virtual Conference
Webex, Saturday 10th October 2020, 15:00 BST (UTC+1)
Registered Attendees
Those who registered to attend via Webex, we ask that you (1) allow us to hold your name and email address so that we can administer the conference and (2) optionally agree to have your name shown on the HPCC website below, so that other people know who is attending. Agreeing to (1) is necessary for us to send you the conference invitation. Email addresses will be deleted from our database 30 days after the conference, to allow us to send any post-conference material.
70 attendees registered to attend and are listed below, apart from those who have asked for their names not to be shown.
Andras Cser, Bob Penick, Bob Prosperi, Brian Walsh, Bruce Bergman, Bruce Horrocks, Chuck McCord, Clive Bennett, Craig Bladow, Cyrille de Brébisson, Dan Johnson, Dana Greathouse, Daniel McDonald, David Hayden, Dejan Ristanovic, Dennis Tuckerman, Edward Shore, Eric Hazen, Eric Rechlin, Eric Smith, Eric van der Wateren, Felix Gross, Frank Kingswood, Gene Wright, Geoff Quickfall, Godwin Stewart, Günther Schink, Henry Chan, Jackie Woldering, Jake Schwartz, Jan Terstegge, Jeremy Smith, Jim Donnelly, Jim Horn, Jim Wild, Joey Shepard, John Struthers, Johnny Bjørn Rasmussen, Jonathan Cameron, Manfred S. Carl, Marc Staps, Marcus Herold, Mark Hardman, Mark Huffstutter, Mark Power, Martin Macrae, Matthias Wehrli, Meindert Kuipers, Michael Park, Nicholas Sävenlid, Nigel Rumble, Olivier Arbey, Patrick Murphy, Patrik Werren, Philippe Lasnier, Ray Rischpater, Rick Furr, Roger Hill, Scottie Hall, Stefan Wolfrum, Steve Tucker, Sylvain Côté, Tammy Cravit, Thomas L. Mullikin, Tom Chrapkiewicz, Walter Bonin, Walter Martineau, Will Marchant, Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz
Chat Archive
During the conference, attendees on Webex and YouTube were able to chat to each other online. The, lightly edited, Webex chat is available here.
How to Join
A fixed number of registered attendees will be able to join via Webex. This will allow you to use the conference chat facility to chat to other attendees and to be able to ask question of the presenters and attendees. Although you can use Webex in a desktop web browser, the best experience is through the Webex app. The app is available on most major platforms: Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Linux users will have to use the browser version of Webex which has fewer facilities.
To ensure that your equipment is fully compatible with Webex try connecting to this Test call at any time before the conference.
Once we have allocated all of our Webex attendee slots, you will still be able to watch the conference live on YouTube.
Conference Etiquette
The Webex system works best with the Webex Meetings app, providing a full interactive experience.
The Webex app is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. You can also join just using a web browser, which is necessary if you are using Linux. Webex also allows people to dial in from their phones if their broadband is poor. Using a web browser or phone reduces the facilities available.
Webex allows us to switch between different presenters and potentially for many people to speak and appear on video at once. With this flexibility come some downsides, so we strongly urge everyone to adhere to the following:
- Where possible use a separate microphone or headset, rather than those built into your device. This is necessary to reduce background noise if you need to speak and is essential if you are a presenter.
- Please keep your microphone on mute at all times unless you are presenting. Webex allows us to mute all participants, but it appears that we cannot forcibly prevent people from unmuting their microphones.
- We will try to keep everyone muted, but if we are persistently interrupted by people coming off mute we may be forced to eject the person from the conference.
- There will be a short time at the end of each talk for questions, provided we don’t over-run excessively. Please do not interrupt the presenters while they are giving their talks unless specifically invited to do so.
- If you want to ask a question please use the ‘raise hand’ facility (in the participants list in Webex) or the Webex text chat facility. Depending on time available you may then be invited to ask your question over audio/video or we may read your question from the chat for the presenter to answer.
- If you are disconnected from the conference because of network or application problems, simply restart the connection or application and rejoin.
- Webex was chosen by HPCC because it appears to offer the best video quality. If you find that your reception of the conference video is not as good as you were hoping and your Internet connection speed may be the source of the problem, please remember that you can turn the feed from your webcam off.
- If you are not interested in a particular presentation, you can move in and out of the separate “Tea Room” to hold separate discussions using audio/video/chat. We will try our best to remind people in the Tea Room when the next presentation starts, but please don’t rely on this. Keep an eye on the timetable.
- The Webex chat facility allows you to text chat to all conference participants or privately to one person. If you want to hold a private discussion, please remember to select the appropriate option.